Primary Day will open on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8. Doors will open at 9:45am. Please drive safely!


You would be hard-pressed to find an aspect of today’s world that hasn’t been touched in significant ways by technology. That’s why it’s important from the earliest grades to start building children’s comfort and confidence with technology along with digital citizenship skills. However, we are careful to utilize technology sparingly and to ensure we don’t  overexpose our students to screens.

Technology at Primary Day is fully integrated into our classrooms utilizing tools such as interactive boards, iPads, robotics, LEGO, and KNEX.

Classroom teachers make lessons exciting and relevant for students using interactive websites and games. 

By the time they graduate, Primary Day students understand the important role information technology can play in their learning lives, and they have the guardrails and a toolbox of skills that will serve them well in the future.