Primary Day will open on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 8. Doors will open at 9:45am. Please drive safely!

Terms & Privacy Statement

The Primary Day School is committed to protecting your privacy. The information you provide on our Giving Form is confidential and protected.

Primary Day uses Diamond Mind, an outside credit card processing company, to process credit card transactions. The personal information you enter on the Merchant Link Pages, such as credit card details, name, phone number, email, and mailing address, is protected by InternetSecure.

Primary Day does not retain any credit card information. Diamond Mind/InternetSecure does not retain, store, share, or use information for any purposes other than to provide billing services. All donations are non-refundable.

The personal information you provide on the form will not be shared with anyone other than The Primary Day School and the payment processor to securely process this transaction.