Policy on Teacher Requests
Neil Mufson, Head of School
You will find that each year at this time, as we plan the next academic year and head into our spring parent conferences, I will remind families of an important school policy. As we set about formulating class lists for 2022-23, I ask that you not make requests for specific teachers. I strongly believe that both sections at each grade level offer students a great experience. In either class, your child ends up in excellent hands. Similarly, siblings will not necessarily be placed with the same teacher with whom older siblings were placed.
Many factors go into the creation of our class lists. We seek to create a balance of personalities, talents, temperaments, abilities, and learning styles within each section. We place the overall needs of the group as our primary consideration. As educators, we also clearly weigh what we see as individual needs. However, since the creation of a class is a very delicate and considered enterprise, we must take into account many issues more complex than individual wishes or perceptions.
Therefore, during upcoming conferences or at other times, I ask that you avoid putting teachers in the awkward position of making specific requests, which we cannot guarantee. This is not to say that you cannot offer your input as to the kind of classroom in which you feel your child best achieves. In the end, though, I ask that you trust the teachers and me since we truly have the children’s best interests in mind. As always thank you for your cooperation and understanding.